Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Title: What is behind a brain tumor that we need to know to avoid surgery?
Biography: Huang Wei Ling
Introduction: The most prevalent brain tumors are metastasis of systemic cancers, meningioma’s, gliomas, and glioblastomas. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that all patients with cancer have in the background an energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney) of the Five Elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the treatment of this condition can reduce the size of the tumor or can cure the patient.
Methods: one case report of 45 years-old male patients, he is the son of my patient in Brazil, but he lives in London. My patient said that she needs to go to London because her son has a brain tumor and I told her to take the medications that she was using for him (highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine).
Results: after about two months, the patient’s mother called me and said that he does not need to do the surgery because his symptoms improved and the size of the tumor reduced after using the medications. The conclusion of this study is to demonstrate that patients with a brain tumor have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs as the cause of brain tumor formation and the treatment of replenishing these energies using highly diluted medications will reduce the tumor size without using surgery.